Category Archives: Mystic Canvas

Summer Days

Well this has been an interesting week. I went to go an adopt a teen and ended up getting played by one. I know, I know..It happens and that is fine. I knew the risk. Sad that it happened but it happened. Oh well. Anyway, Ive been working on this post all week. I felt like being cheery n happy so I turned into a blueberry! Literally haha. The dress is cute n flirty which is a perfect match for the Ears which were from  the arcade event, uber cute. Not much to say about this today except I wish I had more colors of this dress. OH! and go to hair fair. LOOVVEEEE hair fair MUAHAAHAH. Js 😉

summer days

Hair: Exxess-Sarosa (Jet)(@Hair Fair 2013)
Shape: Anna Shapes-Nanda
Skin: 7DS -Autism Charity Skin
Makeup: MC-Matte Lip (Lavender)
Dress: Eyelure– Summer Dress-Blueberry aztec
Shoes: Latreia-Lexi (Peri)
Pose: Kirin-Nuria Pose set (@Collarbor88)