Tag Archives: mystyfalls

Couldn’t stay away

Sadly I can never stay away. I say I’m quitting or taking a break or that it is to overwhelming…then I miss it. I miss it to the point that I want to cry because even though I know I get overwhelmed and frustrated by time constraints and the pressure of producing blog posts…I love it. Exploring fashion, putting looks together and taking photos. I really do love it. So here is my Couldn’t stay away look. The cozy jacket is something new from delirium style and the jeans are my something old from bubble….Can never have just one.

couldnt stay away for long  copy

Now Wearing:

Hair: Elikitara-Abbey Brown 06 (No longer available)
Shape: Anna Shapes-Camille
Skin: Al Vulo: Lalli* Black 2 sunkissed (Older release)
Eyes: Pure Color-Pearl eyes (Vinyard)
Outfit: D-Style: Shadowgirl Coat ( Solids Hud)
Acessories: Izzie’s-Treasure Jewlery Autumn (Old TDR Release)
Shoes: Latreia– Selene Suede (Mixed suede and light suede huds)
Pose: PoseMe– Alexis 1 pack (NEW STORE!!)
Location: Mistyfalls school District